I just don't want to buy a Digi 002 just because its Digidesign. Anyway I think the Tascam is compatible with ProTools.
Thanks for your comments.
Hi, I have a problem with my fw-1884: first of all, my computer is a power mac g4 800mhz and I own also an i-book G4 1,25 Ghz. When I connect the fw 1884 with my power mac, the firewire led on the top of the audio interface turns on and after a few seconds suddently turns off. Driver v1.30 or higher to be installed first! Firmware updater for Mac users is included with the appropriate driver installer.
Tascam Us 122 Windows 10
FW-1082 drivers: Drivers - Drivers for FW-1082: FW-1804 drivers: Drivers - Drivers for FW-1804: MX-View: Audio Editors & Recorder - MX-2424 Editing Software: SoftLCD: Drivers - LCD output emulation for Tascam FW-1884: US-122 driver: Drivers - Driver for US-122: US-224 driver: Drivers - Driver for US-244: US-428 driver: Drivers. May 01, 2004 The FW-1884 comes with a teaser 24-voice version of Tascam GigaSampler software, which turns a PC with a GSIF-compatible soundcard into a disk-streaming sampler. If you use GigaSampler or other software instruments in a multi-computer setup, the FW-1884’s ADAT Lightpipe port is a logical place to plug in a soundcard’s outputs.