Phoenixcard 3.10

Phoenixcard is a closed source win32 application developed by Allwinner. It's used to convert an Official Image into a bootable self-installing SD card.

Start PhoenixCard (version 3.10 on Pine64 Downloads page works) Select correct drive letter and image; Select 'Startup' method; Click Burn (not format to normal!) Wait for error; Leave PhoenixCard running, and pull out the SD card from the computer (i pulled out the card from my reader, not the whole reader). PhoenixCard helps you turn your memory card into a bootable device by enabling you to burn supported image files directly on the card. This process can be achieved in an easy way, as you are only.

  • 4PhoenixCard for A31

Installing Phoenixcard

Phienix card 3.0.3

Using Phoenixcard

Resulting Card

The mbr of the resulting card refers to an empty fat partition, but there is a real but hidden vfat boot partition at offset 0x1500000 (21MB) or 0x2400000 (36MB).

The partitions to be installed are stored raw in the card in an special format been reverse engineered[1].

PhoenixCard for A31

i try the PhoenixCard 3.09 for Mele M9 STB. there are some differences between above description.

Make bootable sd card

  • press DiskCheck button for scaning the removable disk.
  • select your sdcard in disk
  • select image from Img File
  • if you want to write a bootable, check Startup.
  • Burn Sd card

Resulting Card

boot1 will found the fat partition at 73728. but this partition is broken. i delete all other partition and re-create the fat start from 73728, size 50M.

make a bootable sd card without PhoenixCard(fail)

according to A31 boot progress, i want to make a bootable sd card by myself. but i do not success, here is my tring:


repack the image through image imgrepacker, i could get boot0_sdcard.fex, boot1_sdcard.fex, sunxi_mbr.fex and sys_config.fex. convert sys_config.fex to sys_config.bin through fex2bin

  • boot0 locate at 8k
  • boot1 locate at 19096k

after this, boot1 will boot successfull and found sd card. but boot into burning nand.

compare with the right log:

  • i also the try the following things accoring the hexdump the bootable sd card. but no more luck.
  • boot1 will load the boot.axt, and boot.axf will load u-boot according to linux/linux.ini

See also


  1. [email protected]
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HomeUnblockTech UBox / UPad
edited September 2018 in UnblockTech UBox / UPad
Upro i900 firmware in winrar formate:!4rw3TRyJ!PfzVaIqN-CQZJgHojazaEfh6JdQrssLsWqWl-LbBD1E
Phoenixcard v. 3.1.0 App:!87pW0KZB!XfpGfNHAncHz8E0GdnjhOUql4uPEpeE1D691qAcgY48
How to:!wrwyyQzD!yywXX1UbQLyYm8LX4BBBH9w3CtuwXjDqGq4p2o7tYQo

Phoenixcard 3.10 Download


Phoenixcard 3.10 Free Download

  • the PhoenixCard Ver3.10 can't be used to make the SDCard for this Pro OS n Taiwan version, sadly....
    got to find another alternative.
  • the PhoenixCard Ver3.10 can't be used to make the SDCard for this Pro OS n Taiwan version, sadly....
    got to find another alternative.
    Please check it again...
  • it keep's saying 'LoadCardTool Fail'...
    I think it's your sdcard issue, get a new clean 2 GB SD card to load.
  • SdCard no problem, as i can install the old Ubox 2 firmware onto it.
    but it can't for this 2 new firmware.
    its weird..
  • SdCard no problem, as i can install the old Ubox 2 firmware onto it.
    but it can't for this 2 new firmware.
    its weird..
    What size the files that you've downloaded ? For OS it should be 894 MB, TW should be 891 MB.
  • for the unzipped OS file size its 410837KB, after unzipping its 916336KB.
    for the unzipped TW file size its 418785KB, after unzipping its 912808KB.
  • edited September 2018
    The file I'd uploaded was not a zip file, it was actually an image. I just removed it and reup a WinRAR file, you can try it again.
  • thks buddy, looks like even the zipped file u jus uploaded gives the same error...
    i jus tried it, but it still cant work.
  • Sorry to hear that, try another computer if u have one
  • edited September 2018
    maybe its because of Windows 10.....
    I'm using Windows 10 too, seems like the file size was right.
    FYI, I just ran one more tried on i900 and x900 with no issues.
  • maybe its because of Windows 10.....
    This what'd I read from others.
    (Last resort, shouldn't be necessary): Perform complete card clean with Diskpart, as described below)
    (Optional: Format SD Card using SD Card Formatter (if it says that Full Erase wasn't supported for your card and instead did Quick Format, don't worry))
    Start PhoenixCard (version 3.10 on Pine64 Downloads page works)
    Select correct drive letter and image
    Select 'Startup' method
    Click Burn (not format to normal!)
    Wait for error
    Leave PhoenixCard running, and pull out the SD card from the computer (i pulled out the card from my reader, not the whole reader)
    Wait for PhoenixCard to say 'No devices found' or similar. Usually happens instantaneously. If nothing happens, start again at the top and try pulling the whole reader instead.
    Push the card/reader back into the reader/PC
    Select correct drive letter
    Click burn.
    This time it should perform the Burn process successfully. I personally had no luck whatsoever, tried multiple readers and images, but this worked on the first try. I tested it with the RemixOS image 'pine64_B2016022702_1000MB_LAN.img'. The OS started successfully on the Pine64+ 2 GB.
    I am running Win10 64bit. I did not use any compatibility modes or something along those lines.
  • still cant... i give up.
    thks for trying to help.
    the s800 firmware is so easy to burn... but this 900 n TW OS is a pain to deal with.
  • edited September 2018
    still cant... i give up.
    thks for trying to help.
    the s800 firmware is so easy to burn... but this 900 n TW OS is a pain to deal with.
    Well..It's too bad to hear that, wish I could help more. Wonder if any of our member have the same problem or just do it for testing so we know what could that caused and not just me to saying it was ok, as matter of fact, I did tried it on 3 computers and it was all good. So, anyone? Thanks!
  • yes, i wonder too....
    it can't jus be 2 people in this whole wide world that do this firmware upgrade thing.
  • yes, i wonder too....
    it can't jus be 2 people in this whole wide world that do this firmware upgrade thing.
    Try using the PhoenixUSBPro tool, how to use it, please search for the youtube video.
  • Tools you can download here is the Chinese version.